Kells Kings 2023 – 116KM


Registration will be open from 8:00am to 9:00am (116km cycle to begin at 9am)
Registration fee includes a meal voucher for post cycle meal
Please read the Terms and Conditions below before registering.
Helmet – Safety approved hard shell crash helmets are compulsory.
Personal Responsibility – All entrants participate at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety.
Your Cooperation – The Kells Kings Charity Cycle will be run on open roads.
It is a leisure cycle and not a race.
All participants must obey the rules of the road at all times.
All participants must be aware of other road users at all times.
Participating cyclists must obey the instructions of the Gardaí and event marshals at all times.
Participants must follow the road signage for their chosen route and wear the event wrist band all times.
You may not deviate from the official route.
You may not use your mobile phone or a personal music system while cycling.
Health / Fitness – If you have not participated in physical activity for some time please consult your GP before embarking on training for this event.
Bicycle Condition – All bicycles should be in a well-maintained and road-worthy condition. Participants are advised to carry a pump and spare tubes.
Emergency Number – The emergency telephone number will be on a wrist band which you will receive when you register on the day.
Registration – All cyclists must register on the day of the event. Acceptance of your registration to participate in this cycle is at your own risk.
Age of Participants – It is advised that all participating cyclists in the 45 km, 70km and 116km cycle be a minimum of 16 years of age on the day of the event. Anyone under the age of 16 must be signed in by a parent and a parental consent form signed as part of the their registration.
Personal Possessions – There will be no facility on the day for minding personal belongings so please ensure that you can carry whatever you need on your person / bicycle.
We accept no liability for any injury resulting from the hazards of cycling or for any other mishaps to yourself or your property. While on the cycle, behaviour or conduct considered unsuitable will not be tolerated and could result in the participant being asked to leave the cycle with no refund. The decision to participate in the cycle or parts therein lies with each individual.